Friday, March 26, 2010

On A Lighter Note.

In good news today, I just got a secondary interview with a company. There is hope yet. Maybe someday soon I will be a real adult.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Time to hold up the cardboard sign

Hello All,

As of March 19th I have officially completed my time at UCD. It does not yet feel quite real yet because everyone is gone on spring break, not many people are in town and my roommates are all gone. So now I am unemployed and more broke than I would have ever imagined. I mean seriously poor to where I can't really afford to even go to the grocery store and if it wasn't for stealing my roommates food while they are gone and eating the last of my frozen costco veggies and chicken I would starve. As for the job situation I have been applying to jobs every day. I have only heard back from one company and had a great first interview. So now I sit at home, watch numerous hours of tv, stare at the computer screen browsing for jobs till my eyes can tolerate no more, run and get lots of sleep.

I am hoping one day I might not be such a bum. Until then I will be bored out of my mind so free to hit me up on facebook, gchat, text or whatever form of social contact you find suitable.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Long Time No See.

Well Friends, or whomever even reads this measly little blog, I have returned. It seems ages since I have written anything. These past weeks have been incredibly busy and feel out of ideas to write about. Life has become quite routine, school, work, homework, panic about life, eat, sleep and repeat. Some out of the ordinary activities are my new obsession with snowboarding. I can not wait to hit the slopes again this weekend.

But apart from that my recent focus has been to finish up with my degree. Yes, I am finally receiving a B.S in Microbiology with a minor in Technology Management.WIth 2.5 weeks left I am counting down the days.

However I try not to focus on the reality of life after school. Right now I am trying to imagine it at a super long weekend full of freedom, sleeping, hanging out and doing nothing. I am trying not to focus on the reality of no health insurance, no money, no job, and the feeling of being completely lost not knowing what to do with my life and freaking out about what I want to be now that I am grown up.

Whew so that is it in a nutshell. If you have any ideas of what I should be now that I am grown up please email me suggestions. Or if you know anyone who want to hire me. I will do practically anything, and if I don't know how I can google how to do it. Slave labor, cooking, cleaning, building shit, literally anything for a dollar.