Sunday, June 21, 2009

Earthquake! California slips further into the ocean

So it is good being home in Riverside. I haven't been down here since Christmas. It is so nice to be able to sleep in a large squishy bed where I can spread out and lay diagonally, except I have to worry about upsetting the grumpy sleeping dog that follows me around where ever I turn. This morning I awoke to the slight shaking of the house, or also known as an earthquake. It was just a little one of about 3.3 magnitude and centered about 30 miles from my house. I forget about earthquakes in Davis, there are no fault lines active enough to have many. However, in Riverside earthquakes are very common. All of Southern California sits on many fault lines and there are a few each Day. According to the news article over 50 small earthquakes happened last week.

Call me crazy, but I love the thrill of the house shaking, the thunderous sound of the earths crust moving. I don't find them scary at all. Apart from what the rest of the country thinks, earthquakes are not that dangerous compared to other natural disasters. I mean, if I had the choice between fire, tsunami, hurricane, flood, tornado and earthquake, hands down I would rather have an earthquake.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Craig's List

My oh my has this week flown by. I can't believe it is almost Thursday! Yay I am leaving Davis for a week on Friday. I can't wait to go see my horse for a bit and then go home to Riverside. I haven't been down there since Christmas. Nothing like an 8 hour drive to keep you from going home. I just need to remember to make a mix cd of all my new music to keep me entertained for the long drive in my stick shift with broken cruise control. Then finally I am going to get a haircut my long locks that once were so golden are in need of trim an rejuvenation. One more day to go!

Here is a weird one for y'all.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009



Yet anther reason to dislike FC. Management and maintenance is always coming into our apartments for the most random reason. I swear it is at least 2 times a month. Today they came in twice to measure and check stuff for move out. I mean come on, we have two more months before we even move out. So here I watching TV in my un matched pajamas after I have gotten out of the shower, with no make –up and my hair up. Comfortable looking horrendous not expecting anyone to see me. Then the doorbell rings yet again and management and two other people come in to measure the doorways. It is always so uncomfortable, I don’t know what to do or say they only thing I can do is continue to sit her awkwardly. Still I think the worst of the awkward encounters with maintenance is when they insist on doing maintenance at 8 am in the morning, on the few days I am able to sleep in and I wake up to men talking outside my bedroom door. Oh man I am so ready to move.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Summa Time

Well after a year of hard work, tears, and toil I am finished with yet another year of my UC Davis career. I still have a few more classes to go until I to will cross that stage and shake the hands of the Deans and my family screams proudly in the audience of another boring graduation. But for now I will spend my summer here in Davis trying to figure out what the heck to do at work and lounge around filling my down time with activities and planning.

This past weekend already seems so long ago. We finished our last class on Thursday, Jennie's wedding on Friday, Chelsea moved out on Saturday :(, and Sunday was spent running errands, graduation parties and having dinner with Emily.

Today I had my first day of work. Unfortunately it was not as busy and exciting as I anticipated. I have no clue what to do and no one was there to teach me anything. Hopefully tomorrow will be more adventurous. However, I did get quite a bit done on the Bachelorette party planning and a secret project I am working on. Now I need to look for hotel rooms for friends.

I am doing my best trying to keep myself this summer. I have started a list of books I want to read, projects I haven't the chance to get around to, organizing and consolidation of my stuff in preparation to move in August. Oh yesterday I bought "The Host", the other Stephanie Meyer book. It is kind of strange, but I have been wanting to read it for quite a while. I will be sure to keep you updated.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Waking up in Davis

Oh I forgot to mention the wonderful song Chels and I wrote yesterday. As we were coming back from dinner at Thai Bistro the Katy Perry song "Waking up in Vegas" came on the radio. Chelsea had the brilliant idea of writing new lyrics and change it to

Waking up in Davis

You got to help me out
I got lost on campus last night
We need the bus because we’re freshmen, and we’re broke
I lost my school ID you lost your bike key
Spare me your freaking dirty looks
Now don’t blame me
You want to drop out and get hell out of town

Don’t be a baby
Remember what you told me
Shut up and put your books where your mouth is
That’s what you get for waking up in Davis
Get up and shake the pollen off your clothes now
That’s what you get for waking up in Davis

Why is the lecture hall so bright?
Oh, we didn’t get any sleep last night, writing a paper,
And why am I wearing your sweat pants?
Don’t cry to your father
‘cause we’re not freshmen any more

Don’t be a baby
Remember what you told me
Shut up and put your books where your mouth is
That’s what you get for waking up in Davis
Get up and shake the pollen of your clothes now
That’s what you get for waking up in Davis

You got me into this
Information overload, situation lost control
Send me an S.O.S.
And take a loan out
We’re gonna bike all over town

Don’t be a freshy
Remember what you told me (x3)
Shut up and put your books where your mouth is
That’s what you get for waking up in Davis
Get up and shake the pollen off your clothes, now
That’s what you get for waking up in Davis
That’s what you get, aggie
Shake the pollen, shake, shake, shake the pollen c’mon!
Take some loans out, aggie
Take some loans out, aggie

And for the music

Frying Brain Cells

Well, 48 hours till I am done with my senior year of college. The only things that stand between me and the freedom of summer are two lab reports and a final. It is currently 11:31pm and I do not have the motivation to study any longer. However I have hardly studied at all and I think I am really going to regret that decision in the morning. But for now I don’t care. I honestly don’t think I will be passing the class anyways because when it comes to these tests my brain seems to loose all regular function. I am just banking on the hopes that somehow will beat the average and be able to understand the questions and what the professor wants. My dyslexia seems to get worse and worse as the years go on.

Right now I would much rather be playing the bean game with Tim and Chels or being artsy with Lisa and Renee. They are having so much fun painting and watching movies. Ohhh how I want to be done!!!!!!!!

Thank You Comcast!

Such a wonderful thing occurred today. Our Cable was disconnected. You may think, "What? Brystal, why are you excited about your cable not working?"

In the words of John McCain

"Well my friends...."

For the past week there has been a silent between Chelsea, Elise and I over control of the remote. It is Chels and I VS Elise, and Today meant Victory for our team. No longer will we be subject to 24 hours of the television only playing Law and Order. Literally 24 hours. Elise has been camped out in front of the TV assuring her complete control of the television. Chelsea even woke up at 4 am to find the TV on, and guess what was on.

So Saturday before I left for the fun Hen Party, the internet decided to fail. In attempt to fix the solution after being bitched at by a certain someone, I called Comcast. I scheduled an appointment for Sunday. Finally, today the Comcast tech. came and spent an hour analyzing the system to give us an unfortunate diagnosis. This shity apartment had horrible cable lines and need to be replaced. The maintenance is under Fountain Circle's jurisdiction and he was unable to fix the problem. So for the time being we can have either cable or internet, not both. So of course it being finals week, internet wins. Well, I don't think that this complex will even get around to fixing the problem so tomorrow I am going to cancel cable all together.

Luckily I am not going to be around much this summer to want to watch TV. Instead I will just get a subscription to Netflix.

Today marks a wonderful day of silence coming from the living room.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Final Countdown

7 days till I am done with finals!!!!

Then Summer!

A song to represent the theme for today.