Thursday, November 11, 2010


Halloween is officially over and the holiday season has begun. One of the things on my bucket list for this time of year when the weather permits me to be huddled indoors to day warm is to watch the AMC mini series "THe walking Dead." Its supposed to be this amazing new show the premiered on halloween about zombies. Of course this sparked a hillarious conversation about a zombie apocalypse it went as followed.

Me- minding my own business working

Albert- "So yesterday I was thinking that my house does not have any weapons do defend myself with in the event of a Zombie apocalypse."

Me- "Really? What about a butcher knife?"

Albert- "Nah, that would mean I have to get too close for comfort."

Me- "What about a wooden broomstick you could sharpen into a spear?"

Albert- "Nope."

In walks Coy

Coy- "well there is that shooting range out there in Elk Grove, you could head there except it might be a little hard to get in its all barred and gated. Or the Bass Pro Shop, you could just drive down there and barricade yourself in. You would be set"

Albert- "True."

Me- "Well at least you are prepared [Coy]. You have all those guns and knives."

Albert- "yeah and crossbows."

Me- "Ok so basically in the event of the Zombie Apocalypse we should either drown down to the Bass pro shop or go to Coys."

Me- "Speaking of defending myself I was thinking about that the other day. What if someone wanted to come in and attack me in my apartment. I don't have any weapons and in the closet next to my door the only thing I have is a Swiffer sweeper."

Albert- "So what are you going to do dust them to death.. hold on Mr. bad guy i need to put on a new swiffer on my sweeper."

The next few hours were spent brainstorming weapons and plans of survival in preparation for the evident Zombie attack.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dutch Mafia

Ode to coffee. Better yet my absolute favorite joint Dutch Bros. Seriously I have never ordered anything I haven't liked. But the best thing on the menu has to be their dutch freeze. Its a perfect blend of coffee, milk and yummy sweetness. Another great thing is that is is drive thru and you are always served by super hot tattooed men. Seriously, in order to work there you have to like loud music, have at least a few tattoos and be extremely flirtatious and attractive. Another wonderful incentive to stop by on my way home from work.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Bring on the Rain

There is something about clouds and rain that put me into the most wonderful mood. I have to say the fall and winter are my favorite seasons of all. So many wonderful memories revolve around the holidays. This weekend was the first weekend in weeks that I did not have crazy plans or adventures and was in need of much needed relaxation. So while it was cold and rainy outside I spent today cleaning, cooking and working on my halloween costume. For dinner I made a wonderful stew from a recipe I stumbled upon online, with mashed potatoes and home made pumkin pie. Also to make it even better they are now selling egg nog at the grocery store. Oh how I love the fall. To top it all off the Giants beat the Phillies and are now headed to the world series!!!

Tomorrow Hopefully I dominate my fantasy football league.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

I phones can do anything

So recently I found this music video and it pretty much blew me away. I had no idea that anyone could actually do this with a phone. I know apple is awesome but this is probably the coolest application of an apple product. Basically you have to watch this and be amazed.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Sorry friends for failing to post for a few weeks. Life has been pretty busy lately and full of many adventures. Blogging just hasen't made the priority list. For the past few weeks I have successfully filled up every evening with socializing or weekend trips and adventures. Two weekends ago friends came to visit, last weekend SF and San Jose. Then this weekend in Fresno with the Eleazarians and Yosemite. I went on my first rock climbing adventure. We did a nice day trip and climbed monday morning slab (500ft) to get a nice view of the valley. It was such an extreme adrenaline rush. I can't believe I did it! Needless to say I have discovered another adventurous hobby. Man there are so many incredible things to discover and do in this life! Just to give you a little idea of how beautiful Yosemite was this weekend.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

My Dream/New obsession

Now that I am officially an adult. Done with school, beginning my career I have to admit I have a new found obsession. I have always had an eye for interior decorating. Whenever I go into any house, place I instantly see potential for renovation and design. But lately it has become an obsession. I love to watch HGTV, DIY network and browse online for decorating/remodeling ideas. My dream is to one day be able to buy a home that is in need of lots of remodel and re-build it from the ground up. To design every room bit by bit unleashing every rooms potential. Now that I am living on my own I am fully enjoying putting together my place bit by bit leaving it as a reflection of my style and design. Now it is definitely not cheap purchasing furniture so I have had to do one small thing at a time. This has allowed me to spend lots of time meticulously picking each and every piece for form, function and keeping in mind my budget. I am also really enjoying geting ideas for cheap crafty things I can do to spice up every little inch. Of course I still have a long ways to go and a life time to master. However I am enjoying every bit of inspiration.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Just call me Yenta

So my track record still stands. If you want to get married, find true love or any sort of romance all you have to do is be good friends with me. I promise, I am the best luck charm you will ever have around for hearing those wedding bells ring. I have been to more weddings than probably most any one around my age and every year more and more of my close friends meet the man or woman of their dreams. I have attended four weddings this year alone and still have two more on the way one of which is my 67 year old grandma!! Yep that is right. My grandmother recently announced last weekend that she will be getting married in my parents back yard on new years eve!!

Stats: 12 couples, 6 engagements and other numerous serious relationships

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Little Bunny Foo Foo

Work always seems to surprise me, I never know what sorts of creatures and animals I stumble upon. Of course we have the goats, goat kids, mice and lucky the ball python, pond of fish. However working out in the country we quite frequently find Voles (seriously an animal) wild turkeys, hawks, gopher snakes and of course field mice. Not only are these animals found outside the lab, often large spiders, gopher snakes and mice are found inside the lab!!! Last week there was a gopher snake stuck to glue board traps outside my boss' office, I had a large wolf spider (eeehhh) in my lab, and today in the kitchen there was a cute little field mouse in one of our traps. I felt bad for the little guy and made sure to go and set him free. Hopefully he now knows better to not go exploring the lab, because eventually you will get caught.

In reference to the title, as I was setting the mouse free he hopped away and I remembered the childrens song. For a refresher take a look at this

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Football and Weddings

Many months ago while sitting at the dining room table in Davis, Lisa, Renee and I joked about songs Renee should have played while walking down the aisle. Thanks to a violin, ukulele, Lisa and Paul this joke became reality. The ceremony consisted of "Alejandro" by Lady Ga Ga, "Don't go chasing waterfalls: by TLC and the entire wedding party walked down the aisle to "Umbrella" thats right, by Rhianna. Needless to say it was a ridiculous and extremely fun wedding. It was wonderful spending time in Paso Robles, SLO with very close friends.

With the month of September also comes the start of the NFL season. This year I actually am excited about hours of football on tv every week. Why you might ask? Well the answer is simple Fantasy Football team. I figured why not? Last night we had our draft and I am overal pretty happy with my team except for one of my bench players is no longer playing this season. Oh well I will have to make a trade. Needless to say my fun summer will be carrying on into the fall.

Until next time

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Through the Wormhole

For all you science fanatics out there I have a show for you. It is on the Science Channel sunday nights called "Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman" and here are my reasons for why this show is so amazing
  • Discusses topics such as wormholes, time travel, anti-matter and the possibility of a creator
  • Is narrated by Morgan freeman
  • Finally a show that makes physics, space and physical sciences understandable and extremely awe inspiring
  • Every nerds dream
  • Features professors from UCD!!
  • Most of all makes you appreciate the known and unknown world around us
  • I can watch an episode multiple times without getting bored
  • I am such a nerd and know there are so many of my friends that would think it cool too!
Basically you have to watch it! Seriously!

Fun Factoid: Supermassive Black Hole.. Not just a Muse Song
Did you know that our sun is not the center of our Galaxy (Milky way galaxy) but one of 100-400 billion stars within this galaxy? In fact our sun and the other suns rotate much like an electron orbits around an atom core. At the center of this grand orbit is what was discovered to be a supermassive black hole. This hole generates enough gravitational energy to have billions of planets orbit around it. In fact it is believed that the center of every galaxy is a supermassive black hole and galaxy's can actually collide with one another.

For more info watch Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

New New New

hello friends.

To break the long streak of not posting anything I decided to give ya'll an update on the life.

Many things have happened in the last month or so... hence no bloggin. Lets see I have had 3 graduations including mine, 3 weddings and two more to still attend for the year, and a new apartment! I also have started my career as an artist of sorts.

The day has finally almost arrived. As of July 25th I am officially out of D-town and on to Sac. I have made detailed lists of all the necessary items needed for the new place and am so anxious to move. I have been obsessed with picking out the perfect items and shopped around to every store to guarantee the best prices in order to make the most of my minuscule budget. Oh how I can not wait.

Yesterday I even bought my very first couch! Today I could not take the wait and had to go to target to get all the linens for my bathroom. Just to give you a taste of my decor I am including pic. Can't wait to get it all moved and decorated!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Bitchin it on!

Hello once again.

In brief moments in life my mind can not completely come up with the right word or in sheer brilliance I come up with ingenious phrases.

Exhibit one: Nog
described as someone with a good face, attractive one might say
in a sentence: Damn! That boy has a good Nog, or I like your nog.

Exibit two: Bitchin it on
described as being an independent, strong, powerfull women moving on from a trial or difficult situation in strength and style.
in a sentence: I don't need him, he is a jerk and I am amazing in fact I am Bitchin it on!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Television It Is Totally Reality

Why oh why do shows have to end for the summer? This past week was season finales of all my favorite shows, Grey's, Fringe, Chuck luckly Glee might have a few more episodes left. Hmm now to find other shows to entertain myself for summer.

Now I sit here on the couch watching Kendra. Seriously? Why oh why does the most annoying and dumb of the Girls Next Door have a show? She is sitting with her Ghost Writer for the new book talking about acid and every other word is "uhh" or "ya know?" or best of all the laugh.

Another award winning reality show is "Keeping up with the Kardashions" always so much stupid drama that always sucks me in. And soon they will be in Miami!!

But my all time favorite reality show is Gene Simmons Family Jewels. It is seriously good. Every show is filled with how ridiculous Gene Simmons really is, his children making fun of him and his girlfriend and her sister getting into sticky and awkward situations. It is definitely worth watching.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Well another weekend has quickly gone by. I can't believe tomorrow is monday and I have to wake up and go to work. The routine is still so new I am still not used to being a working adult. Tomorrow marks the beginning of my third week at my job.

Anyways today Karen took beautiful pictures for my graduation announcements today. As soon as I get my hands a hold of them I will be sure to post a few for y'all. Weird to think I am working full time and haven't even walked at graduation to shake the hand of all the deans and say sianara. Peace! (in a gangsta tone) I am outta here! I guess it will be more real when the boxes are packed and I am finally out of Davis. Can't freaking wait. I spend my evenings online picking out furniture, bedding and all the things I want to decorate the new place.

Well I need to head to bed.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hello Again

Well it has been a while since I have written. Honestly I kind of forgot about the blog. Ever since working I have been so busy with everything but the internet. I now have a lot less time to spend online and since the internet at my apartment is so pathetically slow I am not inclined to spend hours trying to do stuff online at night after work. Basically I have been busy working at my amazing job, planning the decor for my new apartment and trying to maintain a social life and fit in as many days of exercise as possible. It has been great getting to keep in touch with Chels, Akin and Tawny. I even got to visit with Akin over coffee yesterday.

Well getting ready to run over to Renae's to watch Glee with Barney aka Niel Patrik Harris. Seriously if you haven't seen "How I Met Your Mother" you should and buy all season and watch every episode. So brilliantly hillarious. My next goal is to watch all the seasons. First I need to finish the last two disks of Battlestar Galactica Season 4.5 but haven't quite had the time lately.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Working Woman

It's official, today was my first day at my new job.
I can't believe how blessed I have been these days. I was able to spend last weekend at my parents house visiting friends and family, cycling and threw a surprise birthday for my mother.

Today I woke up bright and early at 6:30 am, usually I love my sleeping in and don't get out of bed till around 10. So now that I am officially and adult I am going to have to get used the morning hours. Anyways... I showed up to my new job greeted by my wonderful co-workers and set at my desk. Yes desk. I have my own little space to make my own at work. Complete with a computer. I am looking forward to decorating it... Needless to say there was plenty of paper work and reading to do but so far I really enjoyed it. There is so many new protocols and things to learn. But most surprisingly of all are the perks and bonuses. I am even being supplied an iphone!!! Yup you read that right. Of course I have to still pay for the plan but I was planning on getting one anyways eventually. I am super excited. Needless to say I can't say enough about how excited I am about my new job!

until next time.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


So I have been thinking I need to pick up some hobby. Now that I no longer have to spend by evenings hunting for jobs and apartments. I have a list of books I need to motivate myself to read. I need to stay motivated to work out. However, I should find something besides facebook and television. Some ideas have been sewing or paint by numbers. However these crafts are so old lady. I want to pick up some activity to entertain myself that is not so old cat lady status. Hmmm think think think.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The pieces are falling into place

  • Today I went to my new work to fill out some paperwork and pick up my handbooks and quality control manual. This is going to be great. I am really looking forward to starting my new job on May 10th.

This weekend I also have my research presentation. The last of the things I have on my list for college. Now all I have to do is walk during the graduation ceremony.

As for the housing situation I have been stressing over finding an affordable one bedroom unit. After countless hours online and touring almost every complex in Davis I have decided it is just way to overpriced and not worth it. Its about $1000 per month for a piece of crap old one bedroom without washer dryers. If you want to go lower than this you are at risk for having no garbage disposal or central heating and air. Not to mention how old the complexes are. So yesterday after talking to a coworker I decided I was going to check out Natomas.

So today I made the 20 minute venture outside of Davis and to my surprise I stumbled across an affordable resort of a complex. This place was a dream come true. Everything I would ever want an all within my price range.

Amenities include:
  • covered parking
  • pool and spa
  • business center
  • game room with kitchen, fireplace, flatscreen tv, pool table, poker table
  • 2 fitness centers one is 24hrs
  • fully furnished guest suite
  • gas BBQ grills
  • full size washer/dryer units
  • walk in closet
  • ceiling fans
  • dishwasher
  • fireplace
  • tan walls with options to paint accent walls
  • 9ft ceilings with crown moldings
  • patio/balcony
  • double-pane windows
  • nice carpet
basically amazing and in a great location across from a golf course, with bike and running trails
close to great shopping and restaurants
close to ARCO arena.

I am in love. Can't wait till August 1st.
Now I get to go furniture shopping and decorate!
Ahh post-college life is looking sooo good!

Friday, April 23, 2010

A little too soon!

So today as I was getting ready to get on the bus to go home I received the phone call I have been waiting for all week. I had been staring at my email all week hoping to hear back from the company I had interviewed with. Still friday had come and gone and no word. Then when I had given up all hope and was ready to close the door I received the phone call to inform me that I was offered the position. I could not speak. I was so overwhelmed at the time that nothing really came out of my mouth. Good thing they had already decided to hire me because I sounded dumb. Anyways needless to say I am now a real adult with a full time job. I can now plan life in Davis, I can join the cycling club, join a gym and hunt for a place to live. Life is coming together one step at a time and this was the missing piece to my puzzle. Thank you Lord.


I am a planner. I like to plan my days, weeks and just life. Currently since I am in this middle situation I can't plan. It is the most frustrating experience. I do not know whether I am going to have a job or money to get by each week. I sure as heck do not know if I am going to hear back from the countless companies I have applied to, nor where the heck I am going to be living come August 1st. Everyday I anticipate hearing back from the company I have had two interviews with, it has been two weeks since the interview and still no response. I am so frustrated with this waiting around thing. Why can't I just know what life is going to bring. I think the most frustrating situation is Derrick. We both don't know where we are going to be after Davis. I can't plan, I can't anticipate I don't know anything but the here and now. Are we going to call it quits? Or are we going to try a distance thing? Is it really all worth it?

The frustration never ends.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Picnic Day!

Yesterday was the annual UCD Picnic Day. The day couldn't have been more beautiful. It was in the mid 70's and sunny. My day began at 9:30am with a pancake breakfast and mimosa's at Renea's. Then Starbuck's for much needed caffeine. Off to campus to tie dye some t-shirts. The micro club, waiting in line forever to see the snakes and reptiles. Then party at Primero Grove. Then to visit Tawny and meet her family and new boyfriend Kevin (a.k.a. Mr. Amazing) for battle of the bands at Spafford Lake. Then food, nap and back downtown for wiki's with Kevin and Tawny. Then dinner at Dos followed by returning home to meet up with Renee and Elise and ending the evening at Little Prague. I finally called it a night around 12:45 and boy was it by far the best picnic day. No large groups, no obligations, plans or too much waiting in lines. It was great getting to relax and enjoy the day without the stress of having an upcoming exam to worry about. I am really getting used to this no school thing.

On top of that I had a wonderful visit with Elise. She really has changed since Davis. The three of us (Renee, Elise and I) were able to really have a great time catching up with life and talking about boys. It was like old times back in Sophomore year when we were great friends before all the drama of living together. Some friendships really are better from a distance with time. I am now looking forward to mending my friendship with Elise and visiting her sometime in San Francisco.

Overall good weekend. This morning I made a killer breakfast with fresh strawberries from Lodi, scrambled eggs from my grandmas, french toast and most importantly coffee. Now I am relaxing after cleaning up the apartment and going to go on a nice long run later.

And just a little trivia can anyone guess what buildings are shown in this picture of the old picnic day?

Until later...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Oh what a beautiful day it was in D town. I must say spring is my favorite season here. The temperature for the most part is perfect in April, not too hot and not too cold. Sunshine with a few clouds here and there complemented with a slight breeze. Today I took advantage of the beautiful weather and ventured downtown for lunch at one of my favorite places, Crepeville. If that pleasant walk wasn't enough I decided to walk home from lab instead of wait around for the bus. It was quite relaxing, just me and my ipod meandering through downtown. I hadn't spent that much time in the neighborhoods around the East end of downtown. I must say there are some cute old homes mixed in amongst the random apartments now that I think about it I saw one for sale that was adorable, I wonder if it belongs to the Dodds?

Lately I have also been trying to mix up my exercise routine now that I no longer am a member of the Arc. I have been doing yoga and pilates DVD exercises thanks to Renee. I know its silly but at least its something. So needless to say I went on google maps and calculated my walking distance for the day and in total it was 3.6 miles! Yay, now I technically don't need to go for a run later.

Anyways time for more season 3 of Battlestar Galactica..

Monday, April 12, 2010

Would you rather....

Ok so daily I have been online searching for jobs and after countless hours of hunting, applying and cover letter revision I am sick of it, completely.

So I have compiled a list of 10 horrible and disgusting things with the help of my roommates I would rather do than job hunt. So here it goes.

1) Eat worms. Like fresh from a rotten pile of dirt worms.
2) Smell 10 pairs of gross stinky feet.
3) Eat belly button fuzz.
4) Puke 5 times in a row.
5) Squish poop between my fingers.
6) Walking underneath the olive trees on campus to only get crapped on by the stupid birds.
7) Stand underneath a bat cave.
8) Chew off someone else's fingernail
9) Drop my phone in a toilet and have to fish it out with my own hand.
10) Lick a banana slug.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

A whole lot of nothing

To all those out in the blogosphere, I Brystal am bored. Currently I am spending my days doing a whole lot of nothing. I spend hours watching tv, Battlestar Galactica, surfing the web, applying for jobs and hanging around. It has been nice most of the time, then those moments of utter boredom sometimes creep up and I start to worry about what the heck is going to happen August first when I have to move who knows where, with possibly no job, no money for rent and no clue as to what will happen. This post-grad lifestyle can sometimes be so frustrating because I can't really make plans too far in advance. But I guess I am living life literally by the seat of my pants.

Thankfully I am blessed to still have the opportunity to work in the lab when I feel like it, have still been tutoring and babysitting here and there. It gives me a little cash for coffee and going out to the bars.

Oh and I had a secondary interview with a company. They began with praising me about how wonderful my resume was and how impressed they were with me. I should hear back within the next two weeks as to whether or not they will offer me the position. I am trying to not be too hopeful but really wish this would come through. So far it is the only company I have heard back from. Until then I will continue to hunt.

That's all for now!

Friday, March 26, 2010

On A Lighter Note.

In good news today, I just got a secondary interview with a company. There is hope yet. Maybe someday soon I will be a real adult.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Time to hold up the cardboard sign

Hello All,

As of March 19th I have officially completed my time at UCD. It does not yet feel quite real yet because everyone is gone on spring break, not many people are in town and my roommates are all gone. So now I am unemployed and more broke than I would have ever imagined. I mean seriously poor to where I can't really afford to even go to the grocery store and if it wasn't for stealing my roommates food while they are gone and eating the last of my frozen costco veggies and chicken I would starve. As for the job situation I have been applying to jobs every day. I have only heard back from one company and had a great first interview. So now I sit at home, watch numerous hours of tv, stare at the computer screen browsing for jobs till my eyes can tolerate no more, run and get lots of sleep.

I am hoping one day I might not be such a bum. Until then I will be bored out of my mind so free to hit me up on facebook, gchat, text or whatever form of social contact you find suitable.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Long Time No See.

Well Friends, or whomever even reads this measly little blog, I have returned. It seems ages since I have written anything. These past weeks have been incredibly busy and feel out of ideas to write about. Life has become quite routine, school, work, homework, panic about life, eat, sleep and repeat. Some out of the ordinary activities are my new obsession with snowboarding. I can not wait to hit the slopes again this weekend.

But apart from that my recent focus has been to finish up with my degree. Yes, I am finally receiving a B.S in Microbiology with a minor in Technology Management.WIth 2.5 weeks left I am counting down the days.

However I try not to focus on the reality of life after school. Right now I am trying to imagine it at a super long weekend full of freedom, sleeping, hanging out and doing nothing. I am trying not to focus on the reality of no health insurance, no money, no job, and the feeling of being completely lost not knowing what to do with my life and freaking out about what I want to be now that I am grown up.

Whew so that is it in a nutshell. If you have any ideas of what I should be now that I am grown up please email me suggestions. Or if you know anyone who want to hire me. I will do practically anything, and if I don't know how I can google how to do it. Slave labor, cooking, cleaning, building shit, literally anything for a dollar.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

This Sucks!

Today I went outside to pump up my bike tires before heading to campus. I get to the bike rack and notice my bike is nowhere to be found. Some time within the last two weeks my bike was stolen. Then later this evening I was in class looking for my pulse life scribe pen that I just got for christmas. It was nowhere to be found. I figured it had to be somewhere in my backpack buried under all my books. I get home, empty everything, look every where and even in my car. It was no where to be found. I am pretty sure it was stolen when a zipper was open during lab yesterday. I suspect one of the students that I was tutoring for stole it while I was busy walking around the room helping the other students.

I was so excited about this pen. It was like a little computer in a pen form. It visually recorded my notes as well as audio. Had a calculator and all kinds of cool applications to be downloaded. Basically some bastard just stole themselves a $200 toy that was mine.

Needless to say I am extremely upset to how this day of thievery had ended.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


These past two days I have been feeling very emotional. It must be a combination of recent events, hormones and other things uncontrollable in my life. Tonight I just found out two of my friends just got engaged. I am so excited for them and excited to see them finally tie the knot. The cycle of life so many of my friends are getting married. I also became an auntie when my childhood friend just recently had her first son. Then within 10 minutes of getting the engagement news I received an email from one of my professors. A classmate of mine, whom I was able to get to know last quarter was killed by a drunk driver. He and his mom were driving and instantly killed. I can't believe he is dead. We would talk every class about the class we were both going to take at Sac State for the CLS program. We were both applying to the same schools and I even bought a text book off of him. He was 22 years old getting ready to graduate from College in June. I can't even begin to Imagine how his family is dealing with this tragedy, and having to spend the holiday season mourning instead of celebrating.