Monday, April 12, 2010

Would you rather....

Ok so daily I have been online searching for jobs and after countless hours of hunting, applying and cover letter revision I am sick of it, completely.

So I have compiled a list of 10 horrible and disgusting things with the help of my roommates I would rather do than job hunt. So here it goes.

1) Eat worms. Like fresh from a rotten pile of dirt worms.
2) Smell 10 pairs of gross stinky feet.
3) Eat belly button fuzz.
4) Puke 5 times in a row.
5) Squish poop between my fingers.
6) Walking underneath the olive trees on campus to only get crapped on by the stupid birds.
7) Stand underneath a bat cave.
8) Chew off someone else's fingernail
9) Drop my phone in a toilet and have to fish it out with my own hand.
10) Lick a banana slug.

1 comment:

  1. wow...
    i think the squishing poop one is the most disgusting. it would get into your toenails. then you would be stuck with stinky, poopy toenail gunk that you couldn't get to.
