Thursday, May 28, 2009

Spectacular Spectacular!

After a very long week, I finaly feel a little less stressed. I had a final project presentation that we rocked, had an exam today and turned in the first of four lab reports due over the next two weeks. I also signed the lease to our appartment for next year. Which I am extremly excited about moving out of fountin craple. I spent a few hours at Starbucks with Renee working on a lab report due tomorrow. Finally ended the day with going for an amazing 4 mile run. Now I have to work on some more homework. 

I ran across this picture today. It is what Lisa drew on my door last year. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Oh I forgot to mention the crazy cat lady! So there is this woman in my lab. She is married and strange. Reminds me of someone else I know.. no not you Akin, someone blonde.. Well while the rest of the class spends time on the computers checking e-mails and other somewhat academic stuff. This girl spends hours online watching you tube videos of cats. I mean seriously and then she drags me into watching them too. They are wierd. I enjoy animals and all, but seriously. She is obsessed.

Grow Bacteria Grow!

Man, I am siting here in lab trying to kill time waiting for this mutant bacteria to grow. So very borring. I have tons of stuff to do for thursday such as studying for my exam, writing my lab report and graphing the Data from Hell. Ahh and to top this wonderful day off I am sick. My throat is burning from thirst and my stomach groans with hunger pains. That small muffin from the Co-Ho at 9 am is not holding me over now that is is almost 5pm. Oh man and when I get out of here I have to rush home and change for my marketing presentation this evening. Oh how I long for summer to arrive. I wish I could just skip over finals week. 

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Surprise Surprize

Well after having a major melt down monday. I am starting to try and not be so stressed out. Oh how I look forward to summer. So close but so far away. I have two weddings to attend. A cool lab to work in. Places to travel to and people to catch up with and see. I also will have more time to log hours on the bike and run. Oh and being able to go hiking and up to the mountains, ride the horse. So many plans. 

As for being super studious today and getting a lot of work down that was completly shot down when Tawny and Derrick came over and Pj walked in randomly to join us. We spent the rest of the afternoon playing settlers and finishied it off with beers. It was fun. I even cooked dinner for the first time in what feels like weeks. I have been so busy and stressed out I have been eating out so much.

Mmm now I am going to make brownies, and still try to get stuff done. 
well until later. 

Saturday, May 9, 2009

I wan't a puppy

So what better to wake up to the morning to a cute little furry creature at the side of your bed. After years of being away to college I am very deprived of the canine companionship. So this week I realized that I really really want a puppy. What better to come home to a little ball of fur that is so excited to see you. A companion to go on runs with and to bring a little life to my appartment. So after searching I realised I am quite partial to terriers. I love Terryk my cute little furry westie at home. I love that little dog. The only drawbacks is that he always gets dirty and has a hard time staying white. Since I am always out and about it would be nice to not have to worry about a dog that always has to stay nice and clean and white all the time. After googling different terriers I have come across the cutest of breeds. The Cairn Terrier. Aren't they so adorable?? 

I have decided that if I get one I would name it after one of the Ewoks from Star Wars because they remind me of those cute little guys. Man oh man do I want a puppy now. 

Friday, May 8, 2009

Many Things

Well So many thoughts since I last documented by uneventful life.

Well for one I love the weather this week. It started out cool and cloudy and now it is sunny and breezy. The perfect temperature. Man I am really going to long for this weather as I sit and fry like an egg in Davis this summer. 

Well it is Mother's Day weekend and I won't be seeing her at all. It is also her birthday. Instead I will spend those days ridding my horse in the new arena. My horse will sure be happy about that. 

Last night I had dinner with Chelsea and my Dad at Burgurs and Brew. It was good. Afterwards even though I was completly not hungry, we had to go in to Yolo Berry. Except now a days I feel like such a trader for going in that place. For my marketing class we are doing our project on Yogurt Shack and trying to figure out how they can stay in business in the newly competative yogurt industry in Davis. But of course I like all the places. They each have something good about them, but for locations sake Yolo Berry is better situated right next to central park, Crepeville and Burgers and Brew. Man oh man. 

That leads me to my next tangent. Wednesday while I was outside Yogurt Shack doing customer survey's I was excited to make a new friend that is more obsessed about seeing the new Star Trek movie than I am. I mean, I grew up watching the shows as a kid, and have seen most of the major movies that came out in the 90's when my dad would drag me and my sister along with him. But this new film is produced By J.J.Abrams, the creator of Lost and Alias, two amazing shows. Oh and the young Captain Kirk is quite a site to see. Needless to say I am excited about going to see the movie tonight with Chels. We are such nerds. But hey that's what the title of the blog is right???