Thursday, May 21, 2009

Surprise Surprize

Well after having a major melt down monday. I am starting to try and not be so stressed out. Oh how I look forward to summer. So close but so far away. I have two weddings to attend. A cool lab to work in. Places to travel to and people to catch up with and see. I also will have more time to log hours on the bike and run. Oh and being able to go hiking and up to the mountains, ride the horse. So many plans. 

As for being super studious today and getting a lot of work down that was completly shot down when Tawny and Derrick came over and Pj walked in randomly to join us. We spent the rest of the afternoon playing settlers and finishied it off with beers. It was fun. I even cooked dinner for the first time in what feels like weeks. I have been so busy and stressed out I have been eating out so much.

Mmm now I am going to make brownies, and still try to get stuff done. 
well until later. 

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