Thursday, September 2, 2010

Little Bunny Foo Foo

Work always seems to surprise me, I never know what sorts of creatures and animals I stumble upon. Of course we have the goats, goat kids, mice and lucky the ball python, pond of fish. However working out in the country we quite frequently find Voles (seriously an animal) wild turkeys, hawks, gopher snakes and of course field mice. Not only are these animals found outside the lab, often large spiders, gopher snakes and mice are found inside the lab!!! Last week there was a gopher snake stuck to glue board traps outside my boss' office, I had a large wolf spider (eeehhh) in my lab, and today in the kitchen there was a cute little field mouse in one of our traps. I felt bad for the little guy and made sure to go and set him free. Hopefully he now knows better to not go exploring the lab, because eventually you will get caught.

In reference to the title, as I was setting the mouse free he hopped away and I remembered the childrens song. For a refresher take a look at this

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