For all you science fanatics out there I have a show for you. It is on the Science Channel sunday nights called "Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman" and here are my reasons for why this show is so amazing
- Discusses topics such as wormholes, time travel, anti-matter and the possibility of a creator
- Is narrated by Morgan freeman
- Finally a show that makes physics, space and physical sciences understandable and extremely awe inspiring
- Every nerds dream
- Features professors from UCD!!
- Most of all makes you appreciate the known and unknown world around us
- I can watch an episode multiple times without getting bored
- I am such a nerd and know there are so many of my friends that would think it cool too!
Basically you have to watch it! Seriously!
Fun Factoid: Supermassive Black Hole.. Not just a Muse Song
Did you know that our sun is not the center of our Galaxy (Milky way galaxy) but one of 100-400 billion stars within this galaxy? In fact our sun and the other suns rotate much like an electron orbits around an atom core. At the center of this grand orbit is what was discovered to be a supermassive black hole. This hole generates enough gravitational energy to have billions of planets orbit around it. In fact it is believed that the center of every galaxy is a supermassive black hole and galaxy's can actually collide with one another.
For more info watch Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman.