Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hello There

Hello Friends or whomever is reading.

Sorry it has been ages since I have posted. Life had been extremely hectic. I work as many hours as possible, travel on occasion and most weekends, the holidays have gone by and filling my weeknights with as many social events as possible. Well after the holidays I finally decided to make a few changes. The first was to stay home more on the weekends and spend more time with people that live in the area, and since I am going to be home more it would actually be worth the money to join a gym.

With the new year they had a discount on personal training sessions so I got suckered into buying a few. I figured why not give myself a little kick start. Little did I know I would get my ass kicked by a skinny little tough middle-eastern woman, boy does she kick my ass. I was orded to forget diets in her words "I hate diets, they don't work, I eat whatever I want." With that in mind I was like "Hell yeah, I am liking this, I can eat whatever? I am in." The only catch was that I needed to go from my 3 large meals a day to 5-6 small portions and lots of water. Oh yeah and the 45 min of intense interval cardio 5 days a week and 2 sessions with her each week. So it has been 1.5 weeks, 3 sessions later and I have to say I am already feeling a great change. I am more hungry, eat more often and try to stick to healthier options but the results have been amazing. I have already lost 4.5lbs not to mention my legs are getting stronger and more toned, I have more energy and feel great and positive.

I am so sold on this new routine I am going to buy more sessions with my trainer. I have even gotten my friends to go with me to the gym and take a few classes. Not only that but I have been talking with the ladies at work and they have gotten inspired to get in better shape themselves. One co-worker now spends mornings on the treadmill before work and the other has joined weight watchers. It has definitely been encouraging to see them all start to get back into shape themselves.

The only drawback is that I don't get home till 8pm most days a week after leaving for work at 6:30 in the morning. But I am you and feeling great so what the hell.

Until next time

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