Friday, September 4, 2009

Genomics and A Taste of Brazil

This week at work my PI put together a pilot bioinformatics workshop. It was a crash course in analyzing genetic sequences and using programing and databases to answer various questions. I was the only undergraduate in the workshop. The rest of the people there were professors in the department and graduate students. All I kept thinking about was how much I really want to get my PhD and go to grad school. Every day it sounds cooler and cooler. Scott (my PI) got to spend an entire week in Brazil vacationing and going to a conference and the department paid for it! How cool to travel the world going to conferences all around the world and being able to write it off as business.

Then after the workshop was done we celebrated Marissa (grad Student) and Jessica's (undergrad) birthdays with some Brazilian alcoholic beverage that knocks you on your feet. It was fun. I mean, how many people get to party and drink in the work place?

After a two drinks come of us got in a conversation about dating giving one of the guys a hard time for not asking out his so called dream girl. After us girls telling him to just grow a pair and ask her. The guys were defending his cause explaining how intimidating girls are.

Seriously.....Seriously... Why oh why is there such a huge comunication gap between the sexes? I mean most of the time girls are waiting around for that guy to ask us out and make a move. Thats how it is supposed to go. We should not have to make a move. We are too freaking insecure. We want to feel wanted, desired and perused. Instead we remain frustrated and single. Waiting around wondering if someday some guy will ever come a long that is even remotely interested and let alone has the balls to ask us out to dinner.

Moral of the story.. All men need to stop being afraid of women, because we are not intimidating, grow a pair and ask a girl out. The worst she can say is no. So then take your pride, stand up and move on.

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