Saturday, July 18, 2009

Battlestars and Trees.

So today it is currently 102 degrees outside. This morning I drove down to my Ohma's (Grandma's) house in Lodi. I rode my horse, laid out fly traps, bathed horses then came inside to clean her train wreck of a house. Then I sit down to finish disk three of the first season of Battlestar Galactica. Yes, I know, super nerdy. However, it is starting to grow on me. All of the people in my lab including the professor are huge Battlestar fans and are determined to make everyone else fans. Since I have had nothing better to do after work, and have seen most of the DVDs that are out I started watching the series. Yesterday when I told a few of the guys they got super excited. They started talking about the show, and made it my mission to watch all four seasons. I totally went up on their coolness factor. Sadly, I think I became a bigger nerd. Oh well, that's the name of my blog anyhow.

Then at lunch with the lab one of the guys started discussing how he was working on one of his fictional novels again. The character is name Jared the Tree Boy. Half tree, half boy. He has leaves for hair, can photosynthesize and farts oxygen. Somehow he saves the day by farting. The details are yet to be determined and was the topic of the discussion. The origin of the boy is also questionable. How does one become part tree, part boy? Maybe his father was a gardener. All I know is that Matt said all this with such seriousness. I however was crying with laughter. I am constantly entertained daily by the characters I work with.

Survey of the Day.

What do you associate with the game Canasta?

a) Coolest game ever, rocks my socks!
b) Never heard of it, is it like the capture of Canada?
c) Definitely old ladies, dentures, wigs and moo moos!
d) Vegas baby!

my response...
My grandma always plays this game with her girlfriends. I picture then sitting around the table smoking shuffling giant decks of cards. The clink clink clink of their old gold and topaz stone rings.

(note: Picture was from google. This woman is in no way related to me. Those glasses are awesome!!)

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