Monday, July 20, 2009

Igor It's Alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have officially decided that my water bottle is a dangerous weapon of mass destruction. Over spring break I had my bag filled with all of my tutoring books, papers, wallet and most importantly my very expensive TI-89 Graphing calculator. I did not close the cap to my water bottle super super tight and it leaked all over my purse destroying my calculator.

Atomic bomb number #2. While I was out one night with Chelsea and some friends I come home, slightly intoxicated to hear a weird noise coming from my room. I open my door to find my computer standing horizontally leaning against a fan on the floor. While I was away Lisa decided to use my printer and in the process spilled that same water bottle all over my computer. Luckily, After drying it out for a day or two my computer turned back on and worked perfectly. In fact it is the same computer I am using right now.

Now we come to nuclear blast #3. On a perfectly quiet afternoon I am sitting at home watching TV (BSG season1) I receive a phone call from my friend Amal (Whom I have not talked to before she gave birth a few weeks ago). I go into my purse to pull out my phone and it is dripping with water. My heartbeat stops as I pull the contents out of my bag
-wallet- drenched completely the receipts inside have turned to mush
-pens- wet
-I pod- soaked along with the headphones
-Water bottle- empty, the tool of Satan to cause death and destruction of any and everything in Brystal's life

So I emptied the contents of the purse to dry and placed my I pod along with headphones under the blast of a fan for the day to dry. After consulting with Karen she told me to instead put them in a bag of rice to dry. When I returned home from my grandmother's last night I tried turning on my ipod and nothing, no lights, no power, nothing. Then I tried to plug it into my computer and see if anyting happened. Still nothing. I was saddened. My little green friend had been with me through many great runs, adventures around the world, to the gym, on road trips across California and most of all was with me at every moment of every day in case I was suddenly stricken with boredom. Alas this long time friend was dead. I had plans to hold a funeral service for it tonight.


This morning I wake up not to my alarm, but my computer making all sorts of strange sounds and signal beeps informing me of a malfunction of sorts. I wake up, crawl out of my most comfortable bed. Wipe my eyes, and open my computer. Upon opening I saw I tunes was open, and was beeping angrily about not having connection to the itunes store. Then I look to my right and there on the table is my ipod flashing saying "Good morning Brystal I am still alive, I love you, and look! I am connected, eject before disconnecting."

Needless to say I will no longer be having a funeral today. It is fully functioning and working. Today is one of the greatest moments in electronic history.

As for the criminal, I will no longer be needing his services. I will move on to another water bottle. One that does not trick you to believe he is completely closed and sealed.

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